
The Role of Sports in Society: Editorial for Building Community & Promoting Peace

Sport has the wonderful advantage of the unification of people, it contributes to forming a strong community as well as the lack of conflict. Apart from the aspects like fun and contests, sport has the important function of unifying people, who have differences in their culture. This power exists on the local, national and international level and demonstrates the way in which sports are able to unite people and promote the values of peace.

Building Community

Drama is fun in that it assembles a crowd. Whether it is a neighbor kids soccer match or a professional basketball game there is unity in sports. These platforms facilitate social interactions and result in formation of relationship with the people of similar interest. This is particularly relevant in today’s society, most specifically in multicultural teams, where athletic ability can unite people.

Local sports teams and clubs equip a point where people can conglomerate themselves thus enhancing the feeling of togetherness. These interactions imply the desire to create a solid community. In the context of the young generation, sports have proven to be a good forum to for the mastery of social skills, formation of friendship and having good teamwork.

Promoting Peace

There are entertainment related areas as well; a very important area is peace, and sport contributes to it. Despite the political rivalry that may come with the events, the Olympics for example and FIFA world cup unite people from different countries and different territories in one central event. It should be noted that these events are not simply competitions; they include the themes of tolerance and people’s passion for sports.

Sports can also be used as or in diplomacy. It is equally important and evident in the previous epochs that political rifts have many times been closed with the aid of sports. An example of this is the sports diplomacy of the ping-pong diplomacy of the 70’s, that approved the relation between America and China during the Cold War.

Some sports programmes have demonstrated this in conflict ridden regions by outlining how sports leads to peace making. Such organizations as PeacePlayers International deploy the use of basketball in an effort to unite young people from the conflicting communities ensuring that they practice tolerance. Such activities show how some occasions carry a message that sports can unite people and provide a platform for discussion.

Social Impact

This too shows that sports play a social function; they try to solve social problems and effects change. They can educate the audience on issues such as; women, racism, and the prevalence of diseases among others. It is stated that sport personalities also call for change and mobilize people to do so, as they spread words of social justice.

For instance, This Girl Can campaign propagated in the UK employs sports to fight stereotype of women in sports and encourage the female gender to embrace exercises. MSA: The protests conducted by the athletes against racism especially during the Black Lives Matter campaigns depict how sport can foster change.


Therefore, in the final analysis, sports acts as an antidote to the formation of social vices, foster unity, and guarantee succor for society. They facilitate a way through which people can come together, learn and transform for the better. With reference to the concept of people and social relations, sports play a role in knitting people together and this ensures that the world becomes a better place in terms of social relations. In dealing with mondialization challenges the role of sports remains to be significance in mobilizing people and creating harmony.


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