youtube, analytics

It is worthy to note that YouTube Analytics is one of the most important tools, which can be used in order to gain insight as to how the channel is performing and the indicators, which show the behavior of the viewers. With this data, you will be able to make better content and therefore increase your channel. In this guide, you will learn ways on how to maximize the YouTube Analytics to be able to improve your videos and improve your connection with your viewers.

Accessing YouTube Analytics

To get to YouTube Analytics check YouTube Studio and then find the Analytics tab in the panel on the left. Here are the main sections you’ll find:Here are the main sections you’ll find:

1. Overview: Statistics that define your channel: views, watch time, subscribers and revenue.
2. Reach: Data on viewership of your videos such as how people are reaching your videos, the number of times it has been seen (impressions) and the percentage of people clicking through to your site (CTR), and originating sites.
3. Engagement: Some are watch time, the average time people spend watching a video, and likes or dislikes.
4. Audience: Other details concerning the viewers which include their age, gender and geographical location.
5. Revenue: Should your channel be monetized, this part provides the revenue split up.

Important Metrics to Monitor

1. Check Time and Average View Time
Viewers’ time is the sum amount of minutes and seconds that viewers spend on your content. Average view duration is the average amount of time, that viewers spend watching your videos. Both metrics are critical because they reveal the level of interest that people have in the content you distribute. Longer watch time can also help you raise the position of your video in searches.

Tip: To accomplish this, the guidelines are to provide catchy intros to captivate the audience’s attention and maintain the watch time interestingly. Engage analytics to understand the points at which viewers are switched off, amend to retain the viewers.

2. Click-Through Rate (CTR)
CTR depicts the number of people who clicked on the video given an opportunity to view it’s thumbnail. A higher click-through rate means your thumbnails and titles are well-chosen when it comes to attracting the audience’s attention.

Tip: Play with new thumbnail designs and the title of your video and understand which one is effective. Make sure that the thumbnail of your video is eye-catching and gives a true representation of what the people are going to watch.
It is worthy to note that YouTube Analytics is one of the most important tools, which can be used in order to gain insight as to how the channel is performing and the indicators, which show the behavior of the viewers. With this data, you will be able to make better content and therefore increase your channel. In this guide, you will learn ways on how to maximize the YouTube Analytics to be able to improve your videos and improve your connection with your viewers.

Accessing YouTube Analytics

To get to YouTube Analytics check YouTube Studio and then find the Analytics tab in the panel on the left. Here are the main sections you’ll find:Here are the main sections you’ll find:

1. Overview: Statistics that define your channel: views, watch time, subscribers and revenue.
2. Reach: Data on viewership of your videos such as how people are reaching your videos, the number of times it has been seen (impressions) and the percentage of people clicking through to your site (CTR), and originating sites.
3. Engagement: Some are watch time, the average time people spend watching a video, and likes or dislikes.
4. Audience: Other details concerning the viewers which include their age, gender and geographical location.
5. Revenue: Should your channel be monetized, this part provides the revenue split up.

Important Metrics to Monitor

1. Check Time and Average View Time

Viewers’ time is the sum amount of minutes and seconds that viewers spend on your content. Average view duration is the average amount of time, that viewers spend watching your videos. Both metrics are critical because they reveal the level of interest that people have in the content you distribute. Longer watch time can also help you raise the position of your video in searches.

Tip: To accomplish this, the guidelines are to provide catchy intros to captivate the audience’s attention and maintain the watch time interestingly. Engage analytics to understand the points at which viewers are switched off, amend to retain the viewers.

2. Click-Through Rate (CTR

CTR depicts the number of people who clicked on the video given an opportunity to view it’s thumbnail. A higher click-through rate means your thumbnails and titles are well-chosen when it comes to attracting the audience’s attention.

Tip: Play with new thumbnail designs and the title of your video and understand which one is effective. Make sure that the thumbnail of your video is eye-catching and gives a true representation of what the people are going to watch.

3. Audience Retention

Audience retention signifies the possibility that the targeted audience will watch the video until the end of the video. Low turn offs are therefore indicative of highly engaging content by any channel’s viewer.

Tip: By using the audience retention graph you will easily be able to tell where the viewers are likely to lose interest. Say what you have to say in a more detailed manner or you can trim your video to those sections.

4. Traffic Sources

This metric reveals the source of the viewer like search results alongside the recommended videos and other websites. It is equally important to know the source of traffic to know what tactics work in generating views.

Tip: If the major source is from the search results, then the best approach would be to make your videos more SEO friendly. In case suggested videos lead to traffic, create materials that are related to the most viewed videos in the given niche.

5. Demographics

Demographic information of your audience enables you to target the kind of content that your audience will be interested in. For instance, if most of your clients are teenagers, then the contents should suit their age and maybe interests.

Tip: Employ the demographic information in the creation of specific content and respective marketing approaches. Attend or depend on the needs of your audience to see what appeals to you.

Introducing Changes and Enhancements Due to Analytics

You should also take a look at your analytics from time to time to follow your channel’s development and look for patterns. That is the information to base your decisions in as far as your content is concerned. For instance if there is-type of video that has had many views, create more of that material. Make sure that when some thumbnails have a higher CTR, it is because of similar designs used in the videos.

To increase the audience’s interaction, encourage them to share feedback and then integrate their suggestion into your posts. Engage with people and start posting in the communities to get the attention of the consistent viewers.


YouTube Analytics helps you manage the most important goal of any YouTuber, and that is the growth of the channel. Knowledge and application of some of the insights enables one to come up with better content and thus reach more people and be successful on the YouTube platform. You need to learn how to analyze the metrics, make necessary changes to the strategies and enhance your content, so that more and more people want to watch it.

Read more –Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Your Own YouTube Channel


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